Lick Events is a womxn only party from the United Kingdom founded, organized, and made by womxn for womxn. The animated frame-by-frame GIFs were thought for making their communication on Instagram stories more fun and personalized, so their customers can utilize cute animated GIFs when referring to the events.
The Dj portraits were made based on their personality traits and physical appearance, along with Lick’s brand, which is presented in every piece of the project. The brand-only GIFs were also developed based on the public: queer womxn.
This project was fun to make because if I could attend Lick’s events, I would be a total regular. It’s awesome to participate in projects which we believe in and somehow relate to.

The relation between Lick’s public and the brand is very close, and it shows in their events, pre and post online interactions. Every DJ has their particular traits which were showcased in their own GIFs. Such as DJ Miller, who uses the microphone a lot in her sets and Vylit who has gold teeth and wears caps all the time. Portraying those distinct personalities was a total delight.